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I. General

  1. Our purchasing conditions, which can also be found in their current applicable version at, apply exclusively; conditions of the supplier that contradict or deviate from our purchasing conditions shall not be acknowledged unless we have agreed to their applicability explicitly in writing.
  2. Our Purchasing Conditions shall also apply if we, in full awareness of such supplier conditions contrary to or deviating from these Purchasing Conditions, accept the delivery from the Supplier without any reservation. By executing the order the Supplier accepts our Purchasing Conditions. Any change to our conditions which is contained in an order confirmation shall be classified by us as a rejection of our order. If the delivery/service is nonetheless carried out, then in view of the statements made above, this shall be regarded as acceptance of our Purchasing Conditions.
  3. There are no verbal ancillary agreements. A change or amendment to contracts that have been concluded between us and the Supplier shall be made in writing. The written form specified in these purchasing conditions is also preserved by the text form.
  4. Our Purchasing Conditions are applicable exclusively in business transactions with entrepreneurs as defined by Section 14 of the German Civil Code (Bürgerliches Gesetzbuch – BGB), legal persons under public law, or special funds under public law.

II. Offer – offer documents

  1. No compensation shall be provided for the processing of an offer by the Supplier. Deviations from our requests must be explicitly indicated in the offer.

III. Order

  1. Orders, supply contracts and delivery schedules as well as changes to these must be made in writing in order to become effective. An order via electronic data interchange (EDI) is permissible.
  2. If we do not receive acceptance of an order placed in writing or via EDI within 8 days, we then reserve the right to withdraw the order free of charge.
  3. We may, within the limits of reason, demand changes to the order with regard to design, implementation or delivery times as long as the Supplier has not yet fulfilled all of its obligations. Here the consequences (e.g. additional or reduced costs, delivery dates) shall be regulated appropriately by mutual consent.
  4. The Supplier must always perform services itself and must only allocate subcontracts following our written approval.
  5. If we demand initial/type samples, the Supplier must only begin the manufacture of the delivery item once a corresponding written approval has been submitted by us. Presentation of the initial/type samples, including the initial sample test report, is free of charge, unless otherwise agreed.
  6. If the Supplier ceases to make its payments, its cheques bounce, or the opening of an insolvency proceeding is applied for on its assets, then we may, without prejudice to any other right, rescind the contract with regard to the part of the contract that has not yet been fulfilled.

IV. Scope of supply and service

  1. If research, designing, development, drafting or similar services are part of the order, the Supplier is then obliged to transfer all results to us, in particular design and manufacturing drawings as well as documentation and user manuals etc., and to grant us all unrestricted usage rights free of charge for these results of its work. In the case of software development, the scope of service shall include delivery of the software in source and object program form and documentation of the program development and application; this also applies to later updates within the framework of a maintenance contract.
  2. We can only accept cardboard packaging with the "RESY" recycling system. Cardboard packaging without the required overprint shall be sent back at the cost and risk of the Supplier.
  3. If reusable packaging is used, the Supplier shall then make the packaging available on loan. Here we shall only be liable for intentional damage and gross negligence in the event of damage during the loan. Returns will be made at the cost and at the Suppliers own risk. If, in exceptional cases, we agree to bear the packaging costs, then these must be charged at the net cost price.
  4. Long-term supplier declarations must be submitted to HAZET free of charge on request.

V. Delivery dates, contractual penalty and transfer of risk

  1. Agreed dates are the dates of the receipt of goods and completion of services and must be adhered to. This also applies to deadlines. Partial deliveries/services are only permissible following our prior written approval.
  2. If the Supplier is in default of delivery, we shall be entitled, unless otherwise agreed, to charge a lump sum for damages of 0.2% of the order value per day, but no more than 5% of the order value, without proof, unless the Supplier proves that we have suffered less damage in the individual case. The assertion of further damage on the basis of statutory claims remains unaffected. In particular, we are entitled to demand compensation instead of performance after the fruitless expiry of a reasonable grace period set by us. Our claim to the delivery is only excluded when the supplier has paid the compensation.
  3. If the Supplier’s ability or willingness to perform is in doubt before or after the due date, in particular because the Supplier has stated that they are not able or willing to perform in due time, and if we have an urgent interest in clarification, then we may set a deadline for clarification from the Supplier before or after the due date and, if necessary, a deadline for proof of its ability or willingness to perform. Once this deadline has expired without success, we may rescind the contract according to Section 323 BGB and/or claim damages according to Section 280.281 BGB or damages instead of the service. This shall be without prejudice to further claims.
  4. If the Supplier delivers before the agreed delivery date, then we are entitled, at our discretion, to either reject or accept the delivery and retain the purchase price until the agreed due date.
  5. For purchasing contracts, the risk shall always pass to us only upon delivery to the receiving plant named by us in the order; in the case of contracts for work and services, this is always after unrestricted acceptance by the plant.

VI. Force majeure

  1. If events occur that are beyond our control (e.g. strikes and lockouts, operational disruptions and delays by suppliers as well as all cases of force majeure), we shall then be freed from the obligation to accept delivery for the duration and extent of these events, insofar as we cannot prevent such a disruption by reasonable means. We are obliged to inform the Supplier of such circumstances immediately. If such hindrances exist for a prolonged period of time and if the economic importance of the contract changes in such a way that adherence to the contract would be unreasonable, each Party shall then be entitled to rescind the contract if an adjustment is not possible by mutual agreement.

VII. Quality, documentation, environmental protection

  1. The Supplier must adhere to accepted technical rules and standards, existing safety regulations and the agreed technical data, dimensions, weights and other properties for its services and deliveries. Productions according to our drawings or samples that have been approved by us must correspond to the specifications. If the order stipulates no further requirements, then services and deliveries are to be performed in the customary trade quality in particular and, where they exist, in accordance with DIN, VDE, VDI standards or the equivalent national or EU standards. In particular, they are to be performed in such a way that at the recipient plants for services/deliveries stated by us they correspond to the legal regulations for technical working equipment, accident prevention, workplace safety, hazardous materials, emission protection, water protection and waste law.
  2. The Supplier must inspect our plans, drawings and the other specifications for the performance of its service, or components that we have provided, for their completeness, correctness and suitability for the intended purpose. If concerns exist in this regard, the Supplier must inform us immediately in writing. If the Supplier fails to do this, it is then held liable for warranty in this regard. Changes to the ordered deliveries and services always require the prior written approval of the Purchaser.
  3. In the case of safety parts specifically identified in the technical documents or by separate agreement, e.g. with "D", the Supplier shall also especially compile records concerning when, in what manner and by whom the delivered objects have been tested in respect to the characteristics subject to mandatory documentation and what results are derived from the required quality tests. The test documents must be retained for ten (10) years and submitted to us if so required. The Supplier must obligate preliminary suppliers to the same extent within the framework of what is legally possible. Reference is made to the VDA publication "Validation – Guidelines for the Documentation and Archiving of Quality Requirements", Frankfurt am Main 1998, as instructions.
  4. We shall keep each other informed of any possibilities for quality improvement. Furthermore, the Supplier shall receive information on relevant safety regulations from us upon request.

VIII. Warranty

  1. The examination and notification period pursuant to Section 377 of the German Commercial Code – HGB) is 2 weeks from delivery to the receiving plant specified by us. For the examination of non-discernible defects, the period of notification is two weeks from discovery of the defect. In an individual case where a longer deadline is appropriate, such a deadline shall apply.
  2. Upon receipt, the goods will be checked for quality and completeness to the extent that is reasonable and technically possible for us. In the absence of concrete indications of a defect, only examinations of the external condition recognisable to the naked eye are deemed reasonable in the context of the incoming goods inspection, not, however, examinations of the internal condition of the goods. For deliveries of large numbers or quantities of items, examination of random samples will be sufficient to comply with the examination required in the regulations. If test sample test determines that more than 5% of the random samples are defective, we are entitled to inspect the entire delivery at our own discretion and at the cost of the Supplier or to assert our defect rights for the entire delivery. For our benefit this shall be without prejudice to further rights.
  3. We are entitled to the statutory defect claims without restriction; in all cases, we are entitled to demand, at our own discretion, the correction of defects by the Supplier or the delivery of a new item. The right to damages, in particular that to damages instead of the delivery, is explicitly reserved.
  4. Return deliveries of rejected goods are at the cost of the Supplier. Replacement deliveries shall always be free of freight charges.
  5. We may also demand compensation from the Supplier for those expenses in connection with a defect which we have to bear in relation to our customer if the defect was already present when the risk passed to us.
  6. A period of limitation of 36 months shall apply to our claims for defects. The Supplier hereby assigns to us - on account of performance - all claims to which they are entitled against their sub-suppliers arising from and in connection with the delivery of defective goods or goods which lack guaranteed characteristics. They shall hand over to us all documents required for the assertion of such claims.

IX. Prices – payment

  1. The agreed prices are fixed prices and shall apply with free delivery to the recipient location/plant specified by us, including packaging, transport insurance and all other additional costs.
  2. Any price increase requests on the part of the Supplier shall be submitted to us in writing by 30/06 of each year at the latest for the respective following year. Price increases by the Supplier shall only become effective when they are mutually agreed with us in writing. Invoices must never be enclosed in the consignment and must instead be sent separately with all order information stated to our registered office in Remscheid or by email to if no credit note procedure has been agreed. The invoices must contain the markings and numbers of the packages, boxes, crates etc., numbers of the invoiced items with each sort listed individually as well as the net and gross weights.
  3. Payment is always made after we have received the goods as according to the contract and the incoming goods inspection, as well as the correct and verifiable invoice. In this, the supplier shall in particular observe the obligation in accordance with Section 14 Para. 4 No. 1 UstG (German Value Added Tax Act), according to which invoices shall state the full name and address of the company providing the service and the recipient of the service (the recipient of the service is always HAZET WERK Hermann Zerver GmbH & Co. KG, Güldenwerther Bahnhofstraße 25-29, 42857 Remscheid, Germany). Complaints and delays arising in the course of the incoming goods inspection or correct invoicing shall incur a corresponding extension of the respective payment deadline and shall not prevent us from making use of the cash discount deduction in accordance with the following clause 4.
  4. Payment conditions, unless agreed upon otherwise: on the 25th of the month following delivery ./. 3% discount, within 60 days without deduction.
  5. Payment and discount periods shall commence upon receipt of the invoice, but not before receipt of the goods or, in the case of services, not before their acceptance and, if documentation, test certificates (e.g. works certificates) or similar documents are part of the scope of services, not before they have been handed over to us in accordance with the contract.
  6. No claim can be made for interest after due date. The default interest rate is 5 percentage points above the base rate. In any case, we are entitled to prove a lower damage than demanded by the supplier.
  7. Prepayments and advance payments require a separate written agreement and shall be secured by the Supplier in advance with unlimited, directly enforceable bank guarantees. The guarantee must be subject to German law and designate Remscheid as the exclusive court of venue. In other respects, the statutory provision of Section 239 BGB shall apply.
  8. All rights and obligations from orders which are based on our Terms and Conditions of Purchase, with the exception of claims for money, can not be rescinded or transferred by the Supplier without our prior written approval.

X. Right to retention / Offsetting

  1. The Supplier is only entitled to offsetting if its counterclaims are undisputed or deemed to be legally binding. The same applies to rights of retention and rights to refuse performance pursuant to Sections 320, 273 BGB. The Supplier may only exercise such rights if they result from the same contractual relationship. In an ongoing business relationship, each individual order is deemed to be its own contract.

XI. Product liability / Indemnity

  1. If the Supplier is responsible for damage to the product, the Supplier shall then be obliged to exonerate us from claims, demands and damage compensation claims by third parties to the extent that the cause lies within the sphere of control and organisation of the Supplier and the Supplier itself assumes liability in the external relationship.
  2. Within the context of the liability pursuant to Paragraph 1 above, the Supplier shall also reimburse us such reasonable expenses that we accrue in conjunction with the implementation of a product recall. We shall inform the Supplier about the execution of such a recall and give it the opportunity to provide its opinion. Any further legal claims shall remain unaffected.

XII. Third-party property rights

  1. The Supplier shall be liable for ensuring that no patents or other property rights of third parties in Germany or abroad are violated by us with the Supplier's delivery and the utilisation thereof. We deliver worldwide. The Supplier shall not be liable if it has manufactured the delivered goods according to drawings, models or other descriptions or designs equivalent to these that were provided by us and it could not know that the property rights of third parties would be violated in connection with the goods it manufactured.
  2. The liability for damages refers to all necessary expenses incurred by us from or in connection with the making of a claim by a third party.

XIII. Provision of materials

  1. Materials and parts which are provided remain our property and shall be stored separately and only used for our orders by the Supplier. The quantity provided must be inspected immediately and differences reported to us immediately. Differences which are determined later shall not be accepted.
  2. If parts from a third party are sent directly to the Supplier, the Supplier must then carry out the incoming goods inspection and the quality check on our behalf. The Supplier must notify the subcontractor of complaints immediately in accordance with the complaint deadlines of Section 377 HGB and inform us of this in written form.
  3. Processing or reshaping shall be carried out on our behalf by the Supplier. If the item provided by is processed with other items which do not belong to us, we shall acquire joint ownership of the new item according to the ratio of the value of our item to the other processed items at the time of processing.
  4. If the item provided by us is combined with other items which do not belong to us, we shall acquire joint ownership of the new item according to the ratio of the value of our item to the other combined items at the time of combination. If the combination occurs in such a way that the Supplier's item must be considered the primary item, then it shall be considered agreed that the Supplier shall transfer proportional joint ownership to us. The supplier shall retain the joint ownership for us. The above provisions apply correspondingly if the Supplier mixes or blends the item provided by us with other items.
  5. The parts made available by or for us must not be sold, pledged or transferred in any manner to third parties or utilised on behalf of third parties in any other manner without our written consent.
  6. The Supplier shall insure the item which belongs to us on the basis of sole or joint ownership, including the new item resulting from processing, against property damage and loss etc.
  7. The Supplier must always facilitate an inspection of the parts being processed or to be processed by us and/or the authorities during regular working hours.

XIV. Means of fabrication

  1. Means of fabrication, such as models, samples, dies, tools, templates, drawings, standard specification sheets and similar, which are provided to the Supplier by us or which are manufactured by the Supplier according to our specifications, are our property and must be clearly marked as such. The aforementioned means of fabrication must not be sold, pledged or transferred in any manner to third parties or utilised on behalf of third parties in any other manner without our written consent. The same applies for items produced using these manufacturing means; they may only be delivered to us unless we have declared our agreement to other uses in written form. The Supplier shall be obligated to insure items which are out property against property damage, loss etc. The same obligation shall be placed on sub-contractors.
  2. After the completion of our orders and/or the settlement of an order by us, which entail the provision of means of fabrication to the Supplier by us or the production of these means at our expense, these must be sent back to us without any special request.
  3. Items which we have developed or further developed in cooperation with the Supplier must be delivered to us only.
  4. The Supplier shall grant us all usage rights free of charge for the results of its work with the means of fabrication provided by us.

XV. Company Name and Brands

  1. Our company name as well as brands and part numbers must be affixed to the goods we order when our drawing specifies this or when we have issued an instruction to do so.
  2. Items marked in this way – if no other agreement has been made – must be delivered to us only.
  3. Returned and faulty goods which are marked with our company name and brand must be rendered unusable with verification by means of a process which is agreed upon with us in advance.

XVI. Confidentiality/Advertising

  1. The Supplier shall be obligated to treat all commercial and technical details that are made known to it through the business relationship as a trade secret if these are not already public knowledge, and not to utilise them itself. This obligation shall remain in effect even after the termination of this contractual relationship.
  2. The Supplier may only advertise its business relationship to our company following prior written approval by us. This shall apply regardless of whether the advertising refers explicitly to us or only to the contractual object, i.e. for advertising with our products and brand, the exhibition of our products and also the use of our products and name in sales documents such as brochures, leaflets and catalogues accordingly.

XVII. Quality / environment / supply chain

  1. The Supplier shall establish and maintain a documented quality assurance and environmental management system that is suitable in type and scope and corresponds to the state of the art. They shall keep records, in particular of their quality inspections, and make these available to the Purchaser on request. The Supplier hereby consents to quality/environmental audits to assess the effectiveness of their quality assurance and environmental management system by the Purchaser or their authorised representative.
  2. The Supplier undertakes to comply with the statutory provisions of the Act on Corporate Due Diligence Obligations in Supply Chains. In this context, they shall comply with all statutory provisions on the protection of human rights, compliance with the relevant labour standards and the prohibition of discrimination and forced and child labour in the manufacture and delivery of products and the provision of services. They shall also promote and demand compliance with these obligations from their suppliers to the best of their ability. This shall also apply if the supplier is not subject to the direct scope of application of the relevant provisions.

XVIII. Originating status / sanctions / REACH / RoHS / CBAM

  1. If the Supplier submits declarations on the preferential or non-preferential originating status of the goods sold, the Supplier shall be obliged to enable the verification of proofs of origin by the customs administration and to provide the necessary information as well as any necessary confirmations. If the declared origin is not recognised by the competent authority as a result of incorrect certificates or a lack of verification options, the Supplier shall be obliged to compensate for the resulting damage, unless they are not responsible for these consequences.
  2. The Supplier undertakes to ensure that the goods they deliver (including the raw materials, (production) materials, (supplier) products or other items required and/or used to fulfil the obligations) and/or services (including transport and the delivery process) are not subject to any restrictions under foreign trade law, economic, financial or other sanctions imposed by the United Nations, the EU, the Federal Republic of Germany or the United States of America. In this respect, the supplier undertakes to comply with the sanction regulations irrespective of whether they apply to them.
  3. The Supplier shall fulfil the requirements and measures resulting from the REACH Regulation for all substances, preparations and products delivered/supplied to us.
  4. The Supplier shall ensure that the goods that they are to supply fully comply with the requirements of Directive 2011/65/EU ("RoHS") in the currently valid version.
  5. The supplier undertakes to provide us with the necessary information that we or our customers require for participation in the EU CO2 border adjustment scheme pursuant to regulation (EU) 2023/956 ("CBAM" - Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism) and the exercise of the rights and obligations in this regard, in particular information on the direct emissions released during the production of goods, information on the indirect emissions from the generation of electricity consumed during the production of goods and information on the CO2 price paid in the country of origin for the specified emissions ("CBAM information"). In this respect, the supplier assumes full liability for ensuring that the CBAM information is complete, accurate and objectively verifiable and that it is determined and documented in the manner prescribed by the EU. In the event of a breach of these obligations, including a lack of verifiability of the CBAM information provided, the supplier shall be obliged to compensate us or our customers for any additional costs and damages incurred as a result and to indemnify us or our customers against any corresponding third-party claims. This shall not apply if the supplier or their sub-supplier, whose performance shall be attributed to the supplier, is not responsible for the non-fulfilment of the aforementioned obligations.

XIX. Final provisions

  1. Extended and prolonged reservation of retention of title on the part of the Supplier are excluded.
  2. The place of performance and sole court of jurisdiction for all contractual and non-contractual disputes is our registered office in Remscheid. This responsibility also excludes, in particular, every other responsibility that is envisaged legally on account of a personal or material relation. Furthermore, the Supplier shall not be entitled to initiate legal proceedings against our company before any court other than the sole court of jurisdiction. We are, however, entitled in isolated cases to bring charges in the jurisdiction of the Supplier's registered office or before other courts having jurisdiction based on of German or foreign law.
  3. The legal relationship between us and the Supplier is exclusively subject to the law of the Federal Republic of Germany, excluding the respective national provisions of the international conflict of laws, and the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG) of 11th April 1980 (CSIG).
  4. The personal data of the Supplier and their employees will be stored and processed by us in line with the stipulations of the DSGVO (General Data Protection regulation).


HAZET-WERK Hermann Zerver GmbH & Co. KG
Date: June 2024