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Privacy policy



The protection of your personal data when collecting, processing and using personal data during your visit to our homepage is important to us. Your data is protected within the framework of statutory regulations. We wish to inform you below about the type and scope of personal data via the website corresponding to Article 13 of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).


HAZET-WERK – Hermann Zerver GmbH & Co. KG
Güldenwerther Bahnhofstraße 25 – 29
42857 Remscheid
Phone +49 (0) 21 91 / 7 92-0
Fax +49 (0) 21 91 / 7 92-375


If you have any questions concerning data protection, our external Data Protection Officer will be pleased to help advise about our company's data protection:
Mr Arndt Halbach von der GINDAT GmbH
Wetterauer Str. 6, 42897 Remscheid
Phone: +49 (0) 21 91 / 9 09-430


The General Data Protection Regulation allows us to process personal data according to Article 6 Paragraph 1 GDPR, in particular in the following cases:

  • The data subject has given their consent to processing of the personal data relevant to them for one or more intended purposes (Article 6 Paragraph 1 a) GDPR).
  • The processing is required for the fulfillment of a contract, whose contractual party is the data subject, or for the implementation of precontractual measures, which are realised on the request of the data subject (Article 6 Paragraph 1 b) GDPR).
  • The processing is necessary for the fulfillment of a legal obligation to which the data controller is subject (Article 6 Paragraph 1 c) GDPR).
  • The processing is necessary for safeguarding the justified interests of the data controller or a third party, unless the interests or basic rights and basic freedoms of the data subject, which require the protection of personal data, predominate, in particular if the data subject is a child (Article 6 Paragraph 1 d) GDPR).



Your visit to our websites is logged. Primarily the following data that your browser sends us is gathered initially:

  • the IP address your PC or your router is currently using
  • date and time
  • browser type and version
  • your PC's operating system
  • the web pages you have viewed
  • the name and size of the file(s) accessed
  • as well as, if applicable, the URL of the referring website.

This data is only collected for purposes of data security, improving our web offer as well as error analysis based on Article 6 Paragraph 1 f GDPR. The log file will be deleted after 7 days, unless this is required for the clarification or validation of specific infringements that have become known during the retention period.


You can also visit our website without providing information about your person.

Personal data (e.g. your name, address data or contact data), which you communicate to us yourself, e.g. as part of a questionnaire by email to the contact indicated on our homepage, will be saved by us and only processed for correspondence with you and only for the purpose for which you have provided us with this data. The processing of this data is based on Article 6 Paragraph 1 f GDPR.

We would like to point out that data transmission over the Internet (e.g. through email communication) can involve security gaps. Complete protection of data against access by third parties is not possible. You should therefore send confidential data to us in another way, e.g. by post.

Personal data (e.g. your name, forename, address, telephone number, your email address, and further optional data such as your company name, department and/or function), which you disclose to us yourself via one of our contact forms, will be saved by us and only processed for correspondence with you, and only for the purpose for which you provided us with the data. By submitting this form, you expressly agree that we can collect and use your personal data as indicated above. You can revoke your consent at any time for the future. The processing of this data is based on Article 6 Paragraph 1 a GDPR.


So-called cookies are used on our Internet site. Cookies are small text files that are saved by your browser and placed on your computer. The use of cookies serves to make the Internet site more user-friendly. It is thus possible, for instance, to recognise the user for the duration of the session without the username and password having to be continually reentered. The cookies do not cause any damage on your computer and are deleted after your session is finished. The basis for data processing is Art 6 Paragraph 1 f GDPR.

Some of the cookies we use are deleted immediately after you close the browser (so-called session cookies).

Other cookies remain on your end device and allow your browser to be recognised the next time you visit the site (persistent cookies).

If you do not want cookies to be used, you can set your browser so that the saving of cookies is not accepted. However, please note that you might not be able to use all functions of our website in this case.


Our Internet site uses social media buttons of various social networks ("Facebook", "Google+", "YouTube", "Instagram", "Twitter"). The buttons are marked with the logo of the respective social network.

When you visit our website, the corresponding buttons are deactivated or merely linked, so that no data is sent to the social networks without clicking on the corresponding buttons or icons.

After activation by selecting the icon, a direct link to the relevant social network(s) is created. If you are logged into a social network, this provider can assign the visit to your account. If you do not wish this, we recommend logging out of your account beforehand. If you are not a member of a social network, it is still possible that the provider may be aware of and save your IP address, for example. If you do not wish this, you should not select the icons.

We do not have any influence on the purpose and scope of the data collection or the further processing and use of the data by the social networks. You should find regulations concerning data protection as well as your rights with respect to this in the relevant data privacy policies of the social networks



We have embedded YouTube videos in our Internet site. These are saved on and can be played directly from our website. We use YouTube's so-called "Extended Data Privacy Mode" to embed videos. According to YouTube, no information about the visitors to our website is saved unless they view the video. Despite the use of Extended Data Privacy Mode, however, it cannot be ruled out that a DoubleClick Cookie will not be put in place by Google for advertising purposes. You can permanently deactivate these cookies at


This website uses Google Analytics, a web analytics service provided by Google LLC. ("Google"). Google Analytics uses so-called "cookies", which are text files placed on your computer, to help the website analyse how users use the site. The information generated by the cookie about your use of the website (including your IP address) will be transmitted to and stored by Google on servers in the United States.

If IP anonymisation is activated on this website, Google will truncate your IP address prior to this in one of the member states of the European Union or in another member state of the European Economic Area Agreement. Only in exceptional cases will the full IP address be transferred to a Google server in the USA and truncated there. We would like to point out that Google Analytics has been extended to include the code "anonymizelp" on this website, in order to ensure an anonymous version of the IP address. The basis for data processing is Art 6 Paragraph 1 f GDPR.

On behalf of the website provider, Google will use this information for the purpose of evaluating your use of the website, compiling reports on website activity for website operators and providing other services relating to website activity and Internet usage to the website provider. Google will not associate the IP address transmitted by your browser in the context of Google Analytics with any other data held by Google.

You may refuse the use of cookies by selecting the appropriate settings in your browser. However, please note that if you do this, you may not be able to utilise the full functionality of this website. Furthermore, you can prevent the collection of data through cookies and website use (including your IP address) and the processing of this data by Google, by downloading and installing the browser plug-in available under the following link (


This page uses the map service Google Maps via an API. The provider is Google LLC, 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA.

To use the functions of Google Maps, it is necessary to save your IP address. This information is generally transferred to a Google server in the USA and stored there. The provider of this site has no influence on this data transmission.

Google Maps is used in the interest of an attractive visualisation of our online offers and for easily locating the offers indicated by us on the website. If you do not agree to this processing of your data, it is possible to deactivate the service of "Google Maps" and in this way prevent the transfer of data to Google. You must deactivate the Java-Script function in your browser for this. However, we point out that you will not be able to use "Google Maps", or your use of this will be limited, in this case. Places.

This represents a legitimate interest within the meaning of Art. 6 Para. 1 lit. f GDPR.

You can find more information on the handling of user data in the Google Privacy Policy:


We provide the option of subscribing to a newsletter via our homepage. Your personal data will be recorded if you subscribe. To ensure that the newsletter has been subscribed to by you / from your email address, you will first receive a confirmation email. Only once you click on the activation link contained in this email will you be added to our mailing list and receive the newsletter. Subscription to the newsletter is logged for verification purposes (IP address, date, time).

You have the option of unsubscribing from the newsletter at any time by contacting us; or you can use the link at the end of every newsletter to unsubscribe. The legal basis for data processing is Art 6 Paragraph 1 a) GDPR.


When you use the HAZET shopping cart – to request one or more tools from a HAZET dealer – the data entered is forwarded to the dealer you selected. We use a time-limited cookie to process your order correctly. No user profile is created.


The survey form ( can be used to take part in the survey anonymously; in this case there is no link to an individual user. Only if you want an answer to your suggestions and comments, and have given your e-mail address or telephone number for contact purposes (by giving your explicit consent by ticking the appropriate box) do we save the personal data you send us and only for this requested contact. You can object to this use at any time and your data will then be deleted immediately. Just contact us via our email address ( or our Data Protection Officer Mr Arndt Halbach (see below). The same applies if you have given us information about plagiarism via (or by phone on +49 (0) 2191 - 792-206).


You can apply for a job online to HAZET in the "Careers" area. When you use our online form, we shall collect personal information from you, which we require for the application procedure. This involves your name, your address as well as your contact data, such as email, address and telephone number, plus the usual application documents such as cover letter, curriculum vitae and certificates. The legal basis for data processing is Article 26 Paragraph 1 BDSG (Federal Data Protection Act, new version).

You are entitled at any time to demand the erasure of your data by sending any email to Please indicate your full name and the job you have applied for in this mail. Your data will then be deleted immediately or at least blocked, insofar as retention periods are still to be considered. As a precautionary note, we point out that your application can then no longer be considered for the ongoing application procedure in the case of a request for erasure.

If we cannot offer you any job in our company, your data will be deleted automatically no later than 6 months after a rejection is sent.


Our Forum gives you the option of exchanging ideas and information about HAZET tools with other forum users. To use this, you need to register by indicating your username and an email address as well as your name. Other data is voluntary. The data is saved by us and utilised exclusively for the fulfillment of this service. The processing of your data is based on Art 6 Paragraph 1 b) GDPR.

Anyone can access the entries in our discussion forums «». You should check your entries carefully before publishing them, to make sure they do not contain any information not intended for public disclosure. You must be aware that your entries may be harvested by search engines, and become accessible worldwide to people not necessarily accessing our website content.


The above comments also apply largely to our Online Shop (Lifestyle Shop) and Spare Parts Shop.

The use of these shops presupposes a previous registration via a form, in which we ask for personal data (name, address data, contact data). You can then log in personally via an individual password and email address and order goods.

Your data is transferred in encrypted form via https.

Payments are processed by our payment service provider Ogone, with whom we have a data services agreement in accordance with Article 28 GDPR. Only the data essential to processing your online purchase is exchanged between this service provider and our shop system, as well as our inventory control.

The legal basis for processing your personal data is Art 6 (1)(b) GDPR.


According to Sections 15-21 GDPR, you can claim the following rights in relation to the personal data we process, if the preconditions described there are extant.


You are entitled to information about the personal data we process about you.


You can demand the correction of incomplete or incorrectly processed personal data.


You are entitled to the erasure of personal data concerning you, in particular if one of the following reasons is present

  • Your personal data is no longer necessary for the purposes for which it was collected or otherwise processed.
  • You revoke your consent on which the processing of your data is based.
  • You have the filed an objection to the processing
  • Your data has been processed unlawfully.

However, the right to erasure does not exist, insofar as it is opposed by the justified interest of the data controller. This can typically be

  • personal data is required for the enforcement, exercising or defence of legal claims.
  • an erasure is not possible owing to retention obligations

To the extent that data cannot be erased, however, a right to restriction of the processing is given (subsequently).


You are entitled to demand that we restrict the processing of your personal data if

  • You dispute the correctness of the data and we therefore check the correctness,
  • The processing thereof is unlawful and you reject the erasure and instead demand a restriction of its use
  • We no longer require the data, but you require this for the enforcement, exercising or defence of legal claims,
  • You have filed and objection to the processing of your data, and it is not yet certain whether our justified reasons prevail over your reasons.


You are entitled to receive the personal data concerning you, which you have made available to us, in a structured, current and machine-readable format, and you have the right to transfer this data to another data controller without impediment by us, insofar as the processing is based on a consent or a contract and the processing by us occurs by means of automated procedures.


The data subject has the right, for reasons arising from their particular situation, to file an objection to the processing of personal data concerning them, based on Article 6 Paragraph 1 Letters e or f; this also applies to profiling based on these provisions. Insofar as the processing of your personal data is based on your consent, you are entitled to revoke this consent at any time.


Insofar as a statutory retention regulation does not exist, the data will be erased or destroyed, if it is no longer required to attain the purpose of data processing. Different periods apply for the retention of personal data, thus data relevant to tax law is generally retained for 10 years, while other data according to commercial law regulations is generally retained for 6 years. Ultimately, the storage duration can also be oriented to the statutory limitation periods, which for instance according to Sections 195 et seq. of the German Civil Code (BGB) can be three years as a rule, but in certain cases can also up to thirty years.


Every data subject has a right of appeal to a supervisory authority pursuant to Article 77 GDPR, if they are of the view that the processing of personal data concerning them violates the GDPR. The responsible supervisory authority in matters of data protection law is the Regional Data Protection Office of the Federal Land in which our company has its head office, in our case the Regional Officer for Data Protection and Freedom of Information North Rhine-Westphalia.